Sunday, November 20, 2016

The most memorable attraction!

     Hi everyone!

     Looking at our trip at a whole, I would say Lake Zürich was the most memorable attraction(20). It was so nice to experience such a beautiful area free from pollution and the craziness of Houston. It was also fun to spend time with Alexa while wake-boarding, sailing, and windsurfing! I don't know about Alexa, but I will never forget that part of our trip!
Image result for lake zurich switzerland pictures
Who: N/A
What: Lake Zürich
When: N/A
Where: Zürich, Switzerland

The Attractions of Switzerland!

          Hey guys!

         Throughout our trip we have experienced Switzerland's many attractions. It has many attractions to offer, but we thought you guys would like to know our favorites!
           Our favorite religious attraction was the Cathedral of St. Peter(13). The architectural details of this building are just stunning. In this very church, John Calvin gave his moving sermons in the mid sixteenth century(13). When the church did in fact become a Protestant one, it was removed of gaudy things such as statues, paintings, and furniture(13). It was really such an experience to be in a place with such deep history.
Image result for cathedral of st peter switzerland picture
Who: Where John Calvin from 1536 to 1564
What: Cathedral of St. Peter
When: Cathedral itself was built around 1000
Where: Geneva, Switzerland

         Once we explored the Mt. Matterhorn, we knew it was one of the highlights of our trip(15)! Mt. Matterhorn is absolutely breathtaking. It stands at 4,478 meters and is on the border between Switzerland and Italy(15). It is also one of the highest mountains in the Alps. It was 100% a once in a lifetime experience to see Mt. Matterhorn!
Mountain matterhorn alps nature landscape wallpaper | 2560x1600 ...
 Who: N/A
 What: Mt. Matterhorn
 When: N/A
 Where: On the border between Switzerland and Italy

        During our stay in Bern, Ava and I we were told by our hotel clerk that a popular cultural attraction near by was Bundesplatz and it 26 fountains. We were both confused by why there were specifically 26 fountains, but once we arrived to Bundesplatz, we discovered that the number 26 represented the 26 Cantons of Switzerland are the member states of the Swiss Confederation. (14) After examining the beautiful fountains, we toured around the Bundenhaus, which houses the Swiss federal assembly and Federal council.
Image result for bundesplatz switzerland pictures
Who: N/A
What: Bundezplatz
When: Began to be built in 1255
Where: Bern, Switzerland


Switzerland's current event!

           Bonjour Switzerland lovers!

           While in Zurich, we discovered that on November 18th, the city was ranked in the top 10 of most inspiring cities in the world, beating Paris and Barcelona. (18)  We now knew that Switzerland was impacting the world just because of how inspiring the cities within the country were! This is so because now hearing this it gets people’s attention on Switzerland, most likely improving tourism from around the world which then helps the Swiss economy(18). This made Ava and I extremely excited. We decided to extend our stay in Zurich by two days so we would get the chance to see more of the inspiring city.
(HINT: This is the link to the news report)

What the U.S State Department travel advisory says...

             To all of our followers!!!

             We would like everyone to know that despite all of the danger that is said to be going on in Europe currently, Switzerland is very safe and there is no reason why someone shouldn't go! In the U.S State Department travel advisory there are zero travel alerts and or travel warnings(17). It also states that you do not need any vaccinations to go to Switzerland and that you simply just to need to have had a passport for at least six months(17). So, if you can go, GO! Don't let anyone or anything hold you back! 

Swiss history and historical attractions!

            Hello my fellow Switzerland lovers!

Myself, being a huge history buff, made Ava follow me around Switzerland visiting historical places all over the country. We learned so many interesting things while doing this as well. Back in 1798, Switzerland was taken over by Napoleonic France and then in 1812, ironically the same year as the British/America mess known as the War of 1812 broke loose, Switzerland drafted a statement of neutrality. (5) I also made Ava go to the historical attraction of Augusta Raurica, a preserved Ancient Rome site in Switzerland(16). It was founded in 15 BC and used to be a prosperous colonia of 20,000 people(16)! We learned so much Swiss history I had written it all down on a notepad to make sure I would remember it all. Ava may not have enjoyed learning the history as much as me, but she sure was amused at how I was so invested in something like history.

Image result for augusta raurica pictures
Who: Was a place for the Romans
What: An Ancient Roman colonia
When: Founded in 15 BC
Where Near Basels in Switzerland

A pass time for tourist and citizens in Swizterland

           Hey Everyone!

Ava and I were super excited to participate in one of Switzerland’s most popular activities, skiing (19). We booked a room at the Hotel Saratz which was near a popular ski mountain. We took a few skiing classes to enhance our skills since it would be harder to communicate with the French speaking Swiss if one of us got injured. We had been skiing for hours until we realized the mountain would be closing soon. We bid farewell to our rented skis and went back to the hotel to prepare for our next day in Switzerland.

Who: Alexa and I
What: Us skiing in the Swiss Alps
When: During our Switzerland trip; during the day
Where: Zürich, Switzerland
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The society/people of Switzerland

          Hey from Switzerland once again!


         As Alexa and I have traveled through Switzerland we have noticed many differences in society based on that of America's.Take their cultural taboos for example. For instance, simply pointing your index finger to forehead is considered a very rude and insulting gesture(3). Also, buying extravagant gifts is considered tacky or as some sort of bribery(3). When finding this out, Alexa and I were shocked at how different this was from what we were used to. 
       We saw so many good things coming from Switzerland, but we also saw pollution coming from it too(2). Due to all the tourist, such as ourselves, Switzerland is polluting the natural land from industries, farming, and creating transportation(2). Cars emit gases, forest are cut down for more "useful" purposes, and pollution continues(2). Luckily, Switzerland is not a huge contributer to the pollution problem the world faces today(2). 
        One thing we really enjoyed was learning about all of the major celebrities in Switzerland! We had been so accustomed to our American celebrities that it was actually really cool to us to learn about of these Swiss ones! One celebrity is René Baumann A.K.A DJ BoBo (6). He is most widely known as a singer, but he also is a song writer, dancer, and producer(6). We were grateful enough to actually get tickets for his concert!
Image result for DJ BOBO

Who: DJ BoBo
What: Him performing at one of his concerts.
When: N/A
Where: In Switzerland at the location of his concerts

Switzerland's traditions, culture, and more!


After a long, strenuous hike down the Swiss Alps, Ava and I were ready for a warm, hot traditional swiss meal. After 30 minutes of trying to pick just one entree, Ava chose a Valisainne style Rosti and I chose the Saffron Risotto. Ava’s Rosti had a thin layer of thinly grated potatoes over salty bacon bits mixed with fried egg and melted raclette cheese. My Risotto consisted of the risotto rice mixed in with roasted onions, saffron threads and three succulent shrimp from the mediterranean. (9)
The next day, we attended the annual Zibelemarit Onion festival. At this traditional Swiss, festival, Farmers from all around Switzerland gather in Bern to celebrate all things onion and garlic. As we entered the festival, Ava and I received wreaths braided with onions and garlic by two Swiss girls dressed in traditional Swiss clothing. They informed us that the wreaths were a Swiss tradition to keep evil spirits away. (10) The festival also consisted of other things from Swiss culture. Many people were dressed in Switzerland’s folk outfits. Girls were wearing puffy white blouses underneath a short bodice embroidered. Their skirts were long and colorful with beautiful embroidered alpine flowers decorating them. The men wore smocks with high waisted shorts with embroidered flowers as well. (11)

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Who: Ava and Alexa
What: Us waiting to receive our onion wreaths
When: During a traditional Swiss festival
Where: Zürich, Switzerland

A national Swiss holiday!


           Bonjour from Switzerland!

Ava and I also  traveled to Zürich where they were currently celebrating Knabenschiessen, a Swiss holiday where girls and boys between the ages of 13 to 17 participate in a shooting contest. We watched the competition from a distance because of the loud noises of the guns. After the contest, Ava and I talked to the contest’s winner who had won several years previously. (8) We then enjoyed some refreshments and snacks while talking to the Zürich natives.

Image result for knabenschiessen switzerland         
Who:  Swiss kids between the ages of 13-17
What:  Swiss children participating in Knabenschiessen
When: September 12th, 2016
Where: Shooting range hosting this celebration

Where are we?

Hey Guys!

        After a sixteen hour plane ride, Alexa and I have finally landed in Bern, the capital of Switzerland! Why Bern you ask? Bern is not just the capital of Switzerland, but the center of the Switz government as well as the home to many heritage sites(12). As exciting as Bern is we will not be staying there the whole time. We will also be visiting Zürich and Geneva! Zürich has the highest population in the whole country of Switzerland, and it is home to part of the Swiss Alps and historic sites such as Grossmünster, a major Protestant church in the city(12). Geneva itself has flourished and is not only in the seat of many international, but it is also home to the Reformation Wall, a monument honoring the main people and documents involved the Reformation(12).

       Walking through the airport, Alexa and I realized how much influence other countries have on Switzerland! Switzerland is bordered by Italy, France, Germany, and (a small portion of) Austria(1), so it only makes sense that these cultures would be seen throughout the country. We both thought this was super cool to experience so much culture all at once!

       Once we got to the hotel, we unpacked our suitcases. When we opened them we were very happy that we had packed perfectly for the weather. With it being fall and currently 53 degrees Fahrenheit we packed our North Face Jackets, Burberry scarves, and Lulu Lemon Leggings(4). Even when out of the country fashion is always a must! Switzerland's climate is very enjoyable. It is a temperate climate and is not crazy humid, hot, or cold(4)! With the weather being this nice, it just made our travels more of a pleasure and not a burden whatsoever(4).

        Now we are going to hit the streets of Switzerland! We are a little nervous because we only know a little bit of their main language, French(7). Thankfully, we have Alexa's French grandmother on call if we ever need any help. As of right now though, we do indeed know how to say hello, "Bonjour", and goodbye,"Au Revoir"(7). So au revoir for now!

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Who: N/A
What: Map of Switzerland
Image result for switzerland flagWhen: N/A
Where: Switzerland


       Who: N/A
       What: Flag of Switzerland
       When: N/A
       Where: Flag is mostly seen in Switzerland

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       Who: Alexa and Ava
       What: Us on the plane ride to Bern, Switzerland
       When: During the day.
       Where: On our plane ride to Bern, Switzerland.

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            Who: Alexa and Ava
            What: Us at the Reformation Wall
            When: When we were in Geneva; during the day
            Where: Geneva, Switzerland at the          Reformation Wall