Sunday, November 20, 2016

The society/people of Switzerland

          Hey from Switzerland once again!


         As Alexa and I have traveled through Switzerland we have noticed many differences in society based on that of America's.Take their cultural taboos for example. For instance, simply pointing your index finger to forehead is considered a very rude and insulting gesture(3). Also, buying extravagant gifts is considered tacky or as some sort of bribery(3). When finding this out, Alexa and I were shocked at how different this was from what we were used to. 
       We saw so many good things coming from Switzerland, but we also saw pollution coming from it too(2). Due to all the tourist, such as ourselves, Switzerland is polluting the natural land from industries, farming, and creating transportation(2). Cars emit gases, forest are cut down for more "useful" purposes, and pollution continues(2). Luckily, Switzerland is not a huge contributer to the pollution problem the world faces today(2). 
        One thing we really enjoyed was learning about all of the major celebrities in Switzerland! We had been so accustomed to our American celebrities that it was actually really cool to us to learn about of these Swiss ones! One celebrity is René Baumann A.K.A DJ BoBo (6). He is most widely known as a singer, but he also is a song writer, dancer, and producer(6). We were grateful enough to actually get tickets for his concert!
Image result for DJ BOBO

Who: DJ BoBo
What: Him performing at one of his concerts.
When: N/A
Where: In Switzerland at the location of his concerts

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